Friday, February 19, 2010

Weekly Report, 2/15-19/10

Hub was home Monday and Tuesday, so of course, nothing got done. Wednesday and Thursday were spent catching up on cleaning and regaining focus/sanity after the prolonged and crazy weekend!

W/Th/F - Phonics with Sharkbait
F - AWANA verses with Sharkbait and SweetSong (Sharkbait did copy his verse down. I called it his copywork!)
F - worked on morning routine, which I'm starting to think is crucial to setting up a good homeschool (well, at least for undisciplined mommies like me!)

That's about it! Thanks for stopping by :)


Robyn said...

I have one who thrives on routine too. He has to know what's going to happen next all the time. If something is different it completely throws him. I haven't had him evaluated, but I'm guessing he has some aspie tendencies, even if it's not an official diagnosis. Routine is good... I used to hate routine, now it's a must for our house to function well!

Our Westmoreland School said...

I know exactly what you mean. For me, 9am is the golden moment. If I can get us in there working at 9, we'll be done just after lunch, but some days it feels like my feet are full of lead. Dh likes to joke that I'll be "good" at this (scheduling and then following that schedule) two weeks before our youngest graduates.

Carrie said...

AWANA verses for copywork works for me! We can't ever get our work done when my husband is home, either ... I stopped trying, and we all take the day off (that includes cooking/cleaning, too)!

Your children are beautiful! ;)

Robin Johnson said...

Isn't it great that you can take part of the week off for hubby with no guilt?!

I have a hard time with routine. I make it and others mess with it!

Daisy said...

Those morning routines really set the tone for the day.

I could use a "clean" week around here.

Rosie B. said...

You would think having hubby home, you can get more accomplished but its the same over here. I get more done when hubby is not here.. lol. And here I thought I was the only one! I'm still struggling with the whole routine thingy.. I'm leaving it alone until I'm a SAHM again, then I can restress (oops not a word)not that I don't stress about other things! lol

Ok.. Have a great weekend! Hopefully, I'll see you at church! I need to get off now.. hubby is gone for the day and tomorrow (he has drill this weekend).. lol.. hoping to catch up on things here!

TheConnorClan said...

I love your blog! You are such an amazing momma! The last MOG meeting I went to, you talked about discipline and I have been able to use soo much of the advice you gave! Is it crazy that both my kids suck those same two fingers?!?!