Friday, July 31, 2009

Moving Sale!

We are having a huge moving sale tomorrow, as long as the rain falls after 12pm!

For sale items include:

2 TVs
all kiddie VHS
My First Leap Pad
Hubby's beloved Playstation, plus games
J's beloved Gameboy, plus games
all electronic/battery-operated kid toys (except "musical" instruments or vehicles)

We're selling lots of other stuff, too, but this decision to sell most of our electronic entertainment things is HUGE!

I really don't want to give up my free babysitters, but I know it's best for my kids...I've known for a while. Don't get me wrong, we've tried many times to wean ourselves off electronics, but it's just too easy to put a video on when I'm getting dinner ready and the kids are bored! I don't think it's bad to have kids watch one or two educational videos daily, but I can't do just one. Incidently, I also can't eat just one potato chip. Curse my sanguine tendencies!

But the decision to get rid of most electronics (we're keeping our portable DVD player and DVDs for the ridiculous drives we make to see family) was finalized when we took J to the psychologist on Tuesday.

Together Hubby and I decided that TV is bad for all kids, but it's worse for kids who (might) have autism or sensory processing issues.

We're going to replace the electronic toys with a nice play kitchen I hope to purchase with the money made at the sale. I'm also scouring our local yard sale website for cheap, creative play toys.

It's best for our kids. It'll work! We'll make it work...

Please pass the Motrin.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where You Been, Girl?

I don't know why I haven't written anything in a while...but here I am again!

The moms' group I started attending at church put up a blog to record thoughts and continue our discussions...AWESOME! Thanks, Cayla!

Reminded me to re-start my blog.

Hmmm, why do people start and stop blogging? Okay, why do I do that?

Well, sometimes I get busy and don't take the time...sometimes there is so much going on that trying to focus on one or two events/issues/thoughts is difficult...sometimes I feel that nothing new is going on (in my life or in my brain!)...sometimes I compare myself to others and lose, everytime...and then, sometimes I experience something that I want to share, and I come to the conclusion that blogging is the way to share, or a friend starts a new blog and I get inspired again!

Anywho, enough of that...

We, as a family, are in a transition period...potentially quite stressful.

We're in the process of getting J evaluated for autism and related disorders; we're getting ready to move (though we still don't know where or when, not that I am complaining, I don't mind short notices...maybe that's why things always take me by surprise!), We've registered with our umbrella school for K, so there's no turning back on homeschooling, though we would never dream of that.

And Hubby just told me yesterday H's birthday is in less than two weeks?


What? We have to plan a yard sale and a birthday party?
