Sunday, September 5, 2010

Beginning the School Year

We did do two weeks of school in our temporary housing at the end of July, beginning of August, using those big all-in-one workbooks you get at your local superstore. We moved into our new house the second week in August and flew to my hometown for my sister's wedding the week after that. Coming back for the last week in August, we (almost) finished unpacking and getting settled.

But I see this week as the beginning of our school year.

I didn't order the last of my curriculum until the first week in September. Here we are entering the second week and it's time to get a'movin' on school!

This year, Sharkbait is in 1st grade. For him, we're using:
Handwriting Without Tears - lower-case letters
Phonics Pathways - already more than half-way through book
Right Start Math, Level A - starting in Lesson 13
First Language Lessons
Writing With Ease, I

SweetSong will do some K-4 work, including:
Handwriting Without Tears
Phonics Pathways
Right Start Math, Level A

Snuggie will be doing Pre-K stuff and we'll be using mostly Mother Goose and library books for her learning. She will use the wood blocks from HWT to get started on letter recognition and phonics.

With all three kids, we'll do one-day-a-week History (Story of the World, I) and Science. For science, we'll be using Usborne books as our starting point and library books as supplements.

It sounds like a lot to me, especially since we've signed the girls up for once-a-week dance class. Sharkbait is signed up for a homeschool PE class and I have two classes a week at the gym! I'm also going to be leading a book study for PWOC. Sharkbait has speech therapy and I still hope to make it out to library every Friday! Is it possible?


I always struggle with perfection. I need to keep reminding myself:

1. These plans are not written in stone. Curriculum can be changed, classes can be changed. And that's okay.

2. Whatever gets done will benefit my children, our family, even if it's not done perfectly.

3. There are many others going through this or who have already gone through it. I just need to reach out when on the brink (or before I get to the brink) of insanity!

Ah, it's good to peptalk oneself once in a while. I feel a lot better about Tuesday, I'll tell you that much!

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