Thursday, February 12, 2009

V's 3yr Doctor Visit

All five of us went to the new pediatrician's office yesterday for V's 3yr well-child check-up. Our appt was for 10:15am; we left the office around noon. but long wait aside, it was a great visit!

For J, there was this huge fish tank filled with pink fish that kissed each other and striped fish that dug holes.

For H, there were people to see, corridors to explore (and to be extracted from) and a video to watch.

For V, there was the anticipation of seeing the doctor!!!

She was really excited about going to the doctor's, probably because we borrowed The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor's from the library. She was a little nervous about getting a "shock", but I wasn't even sure she needed one. Indeed, she did - her Hep A booster. But she took it like a champ and got a princess sticker out of the deal!
V is in the 10th percentile for weight and height, which, as the doctor said, is not a big deal because "someone has to be there" and it's not like V has "giants for parents".

I watched her sit trustingly and contentedly on the examining table, swinging her baby legs to a tune in her head and allowing the aide and doctor do whatever they needed to do. My pre-school-aged daughter didn't need Mommy right there, holding her hand, even if she did need me "close by". It felt like she took a miniscule step toward independence - a healthy, necessary part of growing up. It was a bittersweet moment.


Jenni Bivins said...

Awe!! Wow. I loved reading that post. You have to tell me who your ped. is. I'm still going on post, and it's decent, but I've been considering having a ped., so that all 3 girls will be able to see the same doctor. Let me know!

PASwansons said...

Wow, 3 years old. What a good girl, mommy and daddy must be proud:)