Monday, February 23, 2009

CAR Starts with C

This morning J was writing on his magnadoodle, like he loves to do, and informed me he had written "car". I looked excitedly over at the word and laughed out loud. He had written "COUNTRY", as in Town & Country!!! I thought that was hilarious! Unfortunately, he had erased it by the time I got the camera...I need to keep that thing in a more accessible spot!

We love our Town & Country, by the way, even though it's in the body shop right now as I type, getting some expected and unexpected repairs done on it. The passenger side window's motor died at the end of last week, and we have been driving around with a garbage bag duct-taped to the window! It was fun the first day, you know, a novelty? It was like riding in a helicopter. You could just picture the rotors moving faster and faster as we went from 0 to 60 on 41-A. By the end of the weekend, however, we were ready to take it in!

Way back when we bought it, we named our 2001 silver van Mini-Mobi, as in mini-mobile-home. We've put a lot of miles on our dear vehicle, even though she came to us with over 100,000! She's a good van and responds well to positive encouragement, like "go, Mini-Mobi, you can make it up the slippery slope of Grandma's driveway without snow tires! You go, girl!!!" And up she goes!

Here's a mini photo of Mini-Mobi (I imported this photo from Snapfish; I don't know why I can't make it bigger):

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