Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weekly Report, 1/18/10-1/22/10

Ever since finding out that we're moving in the summer, I find it difficult to stay focused on school. My thoughts constantly wander back to decluttering, home staging (to sell our house), and wondering what our new home will be like.

All that to say, it was only the basics that got done again this week. It might be that the basics are all that get done for the rest of the school year...

J-a phonics page a day
AWANA verse
T- AWANA verse
H- nothing

But I did pick up some great books from the library and have had good read aloud times with the kids this week. That's something in my book!

I'm also starting to think that workboxes would be good for us (after the move). I'm already planning it.

As you can see, I'm a planner more than a doer. Gotta get better at doing, I guess!

1 comment:

Rosie B. said...

Hey Sunny, found your blog through the Moms of Grace blog.. I was so excited to see a familiar face in this big blog world (I was starting to think I was alone.. lol). I've been blogging on and off for the past 6 years, though, you can't tell from my blogs here. I start a blog, do good for a while then I stop then I feel guilty that I have abandoned a blog out there so I save what I want and delete the blog. Months pass by and there I go again making promises (to myself) that this time will be different *rolls eyes and sighs*. Well, now that I've bored you I will tell you again that I'm really excited to see you ;-) And I've enjoyed reading through your blog!

Hopefully I'll see you Sunday!
Have a blessed weekend!!
