Tuesday, September 7, 2010

School Today

School went fairly smoothly today! I feel that the Lord was preparing me for this move and this school year. His hand of grace is all over it!

Our early morning is very relaxed. I take my time drinking my coffee outside while the kids play in our wonderful fenced-in backyard with its little patch of grass and lone tree. We come inside for breakfast and clean-up. Around 9 or so, we start school.

The morning is broken up into 30-minute segments. The first session I have one-on-one time with SweetSong. Sharkbait plays on our little kiddie computer and Snuggie watches Leap Frog videos. The second session, I spend with the Snug, while Sharkie is watching an educational video and Sweets is on the computer. We take 30 minutes for a snack and an audiobook. During the fourth segment, I do math with Sharkie and the girls switch the activities.

We listened to the first few chapters of Stuart Little on audiobook during snack today. I was pleasantly surprised at the kids' comprehension of the story's basic premise. I don't want to make our audiobooks a chore, so I'll just keep the questions to a minimum. It's mostly a time to enjoy a good story while eating our crackers :)

I got a load of laundry started during this time!

We ate lunch and the kids played until naptime. I think the kids are weaning themselves off of naptime. GASP! However, I'm going to keep them in separate rooms with toys, doors closed, and I know they'll most likely fall asleep!

I'm wondering when to do Language Arts with Sharkie...I had planned to do it with him at the beginning of quiet time/naptime. But the girls are still up and down, up and down. I may have to move his LA to after quiet time...I'm not sure yet. I think I'm going to keep on doing LA with him at the beginning of quiet time for the remainder of the week, taking time to train his sisters to stay in their assigned rooms, since LA is not too hard for him yet!

My plan is to do History Mondays after lunch and Science on Wednesdays.

Overall, it was a good morning. Now if I can just get those girls to stay in their rooms for quiet time...


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