I know. It's pathetic. Just because we've moved across the country and did not have steady internet access for three months, that doesn't mean I should have neglected my blog.
Well, here I am, back online and brimming over with news!
We love our new house! It's so spacious! Four bedrooms means we have a guest room always available! Now, if we can only get our friends and family to fly or drive across the country to visit us...
Speaking of driving across the country...
We did it in four days. We crossed nine states in two vehicles. One was a little hybrid that, praise God, did not die going up and down the mountains of Colorado. Seriously, the only hybrids we saw in Colorado were abandoned on the side of the highways...We went 40-50 almost the whole way through the mountains, even though the speed limit was between 50-75 mph. Also interesting about driving through Colorado was the puking done by two of my kiddies in the mile-high city. I guess the change in the elevation and the heat got to them. They puked on and off the rest of the trip: in Walmart, in the van, in the hotel...
But it wasn't bad. Really!
I got pulled over in Arizona or Utah for tailgating my husband. I was definitely less than three car lengths behind him. The officer was really nice, though, and just told me to back off a little, for safety reasons. I agreed that it would be a good idea.
So, we're here now and mostly settled.
We've jumped into life here on base, getting involved in the chapel and the homeschool group. We pick up school again on Tuesday. This time all three kids will spend a little one-on-one time with me. It promises to be a busy, full, exciting time here! I can't wait to share it with you!
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