Friday, February 12, 2010

Weekly Report, 2/8-12/10

Well, if nothing else, we've been having loads of fun reading picture books from the library. This week's books include Strega Nona by Tomie de Paola, Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey and Dory Story by Jerry Pallotta. I feel that the kids are actually starting to listen, starting to put the words that they hear into some sort of order...syncing them up with pictures painted on the page...starting to make sense of the plot...hopefully gaining appreciation for the beauty of the written and illustrated story!

Sharkbait has resigned himself to doing one phonics page with me :)

He learned the "-sh-", the "-ch-", and the "wh-" sounds.

AWANA was cancelled this week due to the "snow". I was so happy, though, that because of the new morning routine, we actually reviewed the verses daily this week!

Sharkbait has also become quite the artist. He draws scene upon scene from Finding Nemo, like this:
The picture in his book are of the moonfish and Marlin. Here's a closeup of his art:
And this is his interpretation of the angler fish (you can see the address written on the diver's mask worn by the fish), Dory and Marlin:
That's not anything I'd taught him; he just taught himself :)
Oh, well, I was, at any rate, quite impressed!


Our Westmoreland School said...

The drawings are great and I love your reading list :)

It sounds like a good week, regardless of the snow.

Daisy said...

Wonderful art! I want a snow day. Whaaa. Maybe we'd get more work done if we were stuck indoors. Hmmm.

Sounds like you had a great week.

Rebecca D said...

He is quite the artist... wow... most kiddos are drawing stick figures at his age.

Rosie B. said...

Awesome drawings! The library was always our highlight of the week ;-)

Rosie B. said...

I meant to add that I love the new background 8-}

Robyn said...

Wow! I'm impressed with your ds' drawing! We only have one "artist" here... my 9 y/o still draws stick figures!

MissMOE said...

quite an impressive drawing of the fish. That really must of taken a bit of patience to complete. Make Way for Ducklings was a favorite around here when my kids were younger. I'm looking forward to sharing it with grandkids down the line. Thanks for sharing your week.